Exam Stress, Tips and tricks to help your child through

Exam Stress: I was talking to a friend whose child is about to take their first year of AS levels exams. I am happy that I was so relieved that we all survived nearly five years of taking exams.

I feel for you and your children if they are about to start revising and taking exams in May. n my last year of the exams, I also learned a valuable lesson about the importance of encouragement and belief.

One of my son’s exams went severely wrong; he was distraught and crying and had to take the next one ( of the same subject) the following day. e was very anxious and thought it was impossible. I  sent him a text, saying I believed in him and he could do it and lots of love. He did well and told me that having someone believe in him immensely helped him. Follow my tips, and there is a link to an excellent BBC page with even more advice and information.

My Top Exam Tips

  • Let them take control, and ensure that your child makes a planner of all exams and has an exam timetable. o it with them, if they struggle with planning and organization( this is especially problematic for those who are Dyslexic or Dyspraxic)
  • Cramming does not work, so help them to take breaks, lots if possible.
  • We found lots of practising; I helped time test papers, and doing mind maps for information can help them to remember more.
  • Try to keep family stress low; sometimes, it is good to protect your child if something emotional occurs within the family or extended family.
  • If your child has younger siblings, you could suggest they revise somewhere quieter, such as at the library or a friend’s house. Younger siblings understand that they may be stressed.
  • The BBC page is excellent, so do check it out


  • Do check in on them every hour or so ( bringing them snacks is an excellent way to get in through the door). One of my son’s friends was so anxious that he was sitting in his room, unable to start.  D ask gently and see if you can help.  I you cannot help, ask if one of their friends will explain something and invite them around.  y on’s friend helped him through his economic calculations.
  • During exams, they tend to search social media and their friends for the answers; This can help but also hinder if your child’s response to a question is different. Re ember to encourage and love them, whatever the result. Go d luck, and do share on Facebook.
  • Ensure you give them some particular non-exam time, go out for a drink or breakfast/supper.

With love Catherine

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