I hope you are all having a good Easter break; holidays are always an opportunity to reflect on what’s working and how you can change your parenting style to improve relationships for everyone in the family. When clients attend my sessions, it’s not unreasonable to want to focus on the more negative behaviour. Still, if you’re going to change the behaviour in the long term, you need to increase praise and encouragement. You sometimes feel you cannot praise your child until their behaviour changes, but the danger here is a stalemate. Sometimes we need to be the ones to decide to change.

Here are my tips on how to Praise Effectively:

I guess we are the adults, so it’s up to you, I am afraid. Remember, children who are more oppositional and defiant may throw it in your face, so keep trying. You can go to my Facebook Page:

https://www.facebook.com/BristolChildParentSupport/  to see my Top Phrases for Encouraging your Child.

Remember, try to do one thing to change; I find it’s best not to set too many goals but just one at a time so everyone can settle with the process. This was the theme for my April Newsletter. Click on the link for the first to receive my blogs and some freebies, too, and I do not share your details with anyone. Do go to https://bristolchildparentsupport.co.uk/newsletter/.

I wish you all a very Happy Easter. Remember to do one action today to help your child feel safe, loved and secure. With Love Catherine

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