The impact of bullying has a devastating effect on children. Please don’t underestimate the impact and seek help as bullying causes long term changes in the brain that lead to cognitive and emotional effects as serious as harm by child abuse. Your child may struggle with social confidence, anxiety, low self-esteem, depression and drug misuse that can continue into adulthood. Your child may not be saying anything right now due to feelings of being ashamed and hopeless, worried the bully will retaliate, concerned no-one will believe them and sadly think they deserved it. As it is close to my heart, here is a short video on what you need to know.
What is the definition?
The definition of bullying is when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person or group. It is considered bullying if it is repeated and an imbalance of power, children are bullied for many reasons such as:
- Physical appearance
- Sexual bullying
- Racist/faith-related bullying
- Bullying about sexual or gender identity
- Disability and chronic health conditions ( NSPCC)
What are the Warning Signs, your child could be being bullied
- Bed wetting
- Panic Attacks
- Isolating themselves from family and school activities
- Sudden illness, especially before school
- Poor Sleep and Nightmares
- Aggression
- Not wanting to go to school
- Asking for money
- Heightened anxiety around social media/mobile phones
What to do, if your child is being bullied!
- Listen, don’t react by getting angry and upset
- Tell them, it’s not their fault
- Tell them that you and they need to think about going forward, what are their ideas?.
- Look at helpful websites ( I have put some on the end of my video and at the end of page)
- Don’t tell them to ignore the bullies.
- If at school, look at the school bullying policy, follow their procedures
Arrange to speak a teacher. - Some schools have peer support, school counsellors and learning mentors
Please do contact me or another therapist to help your child if their mood and behavior deteriorate.
References and Websites that can help you now!