Sleep for the whole family can be life and death. Remember, we have evolved and will die if we do not sleep. Research shows that insufficient sleep can profoundly affect your physical and emotional health. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that parents/adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. It is not just the amount of sleep but the quality; we need to go into deep NREM Sleep.

How much sleep are you having? Even though scientists continue to research why we sleep, we know very little, but here are three essential functions; click here for my video or read on:

  1. Restoration. Our brains make neuronal connections daily, but scientists think we can gather waste daily. Sleep helps us in clearing out the waste. During sleep, it is twice as fast as during the day.
  2. Memory Consolidation. Sleep can help with long-term memory consolidation. So when we are tired, it’s tough to remember facts and figures.
  3. Metabolic Health. We know that we burn more fat if we sleep more, so lack of sleep can increase the risk of diabetes, etc. ( James Clear. (Com)

Did you know that a couple of good days of sleep will help to play down a modest sleep debt, but if your sleep debt has been building for weeks, two days or so will not enable it? Babies, children, and teenagers need much more.

Most parents underestimate the impact of lack of sleep on their mood and performance. Research shows that although your metabolic rates may return, your cognitive performance will be affected.

This is why many parents don’t ask for help as they think:

  • It’s too overwhelming to think of changing it now
  • It won’t work as you have tried everything anyway
  • I am so tired, and I can’t think about changing this.

Most parents attend due to:

    • Children who refuse to go to sleep.
    • Separation anxiety at head Nighttime fears
    • Night-terrors and nightmares
    • Nighttime awakenings.
    • Teenage Difficulties
    • Anxiety
    • Emotional Dysregulation

I want you to have a good night’s sleep, so here are some tips you can use now for your child.

Remember that some sleep issues are emotional and medical problems (Gwen Dewar, Parenting Science 2014). You can either read or click here. 

  • Ear infections
  • Respiratory infections
  • Acid reflux
  • Cow-milk allergy
  • Snoring and Sleep Apnea
  • Anxiety
  • Low mood
  • ADHD
  • ASC

I want you all to have a good night’s sleep; click here,“Sleep consultation page to access free downloads.

If your child is scared or anxious at night, help them with my free meditation podcast,

I offer sleep consultations for the whole family. I am keen to use strategies that are based on research and do not distress you or your child. I want to promote confidence in your thinking and ability as a parent. The aim is to promote positive attachments and good relationships in the family.

It’s hard to take the first step of seeking help. You may feel anxious, think you may be judged for doing it wrong, or worry that your problems may worsen.

Parents often wait and then attend my clinic in desperation. Prevent that now.
Book a consultation >

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