Hello, the space between Christmas and New Year is a time for celebrating, reflecting, and giving Thanks for 2017. I love the quietness and reflective moments whilst we wait for the new year to arrive. I know most of us want to plan for 2018 and that’s a good thing to do and I will talk about that later, but let’s celebrate 2017 with three ideas for sending the year out with gratitude. Science now supports the cultivation of gratitude. It can really lead to a better sense of well-being!
According to the https://positivepsychologyprogram.com/gratitude-appreciation/ blog, they say:
“Expressing your Thanks can really improve your overall sense of well-being: studies show that grateful people are more agreeable, more open, and less neurotic (McCullough et al., 2002; McCullough, Tsang, & Emmons, 2004; Wood, Maltby, Gillett, Linley, & Joseph, 2008; Wood, Maltby, Stewart, Linley et al., 2008). Furthermore, gratitude is related negatively to depression and positively to life satisfaction (Wood, Joseph, & Maltby, 2008).” So let’s try this out by:
1. Writing and celebrating 50 memories
I often use sticky notes or even simply write them down in a journal for you to keep. Most children have short attention spans, so you may want to do this in stages. There is no need to think of big things. Favourite books and films are a big one in my family.
2. Appreciate Cards
If you are having a get-together at new years or after, give all your guests/children a card and write something you are grateful for or appreciate in them on it during the night. It’s lovely that you, your guests, and children can have something to keep and bring in to the new year.
3. A Gratitude Jar
I have already posted this on Facebook, but fill your jar up for 2017 and this is something you can use in your family meetings throughout 2018. Our culture tends to focus on the negative. Appreciating what you have is going to help you feel so much better. It encourages your child, too and will help them to have a positive outlook.
And now just for you……
2017 has been a roller-coaster year. Like you. I have had many ups and downs, so here is my little gift to you to celebrate:
Click here for a Free Download, My three little ways to celebrate in 2017 and take into 2018.
If you have time now or early in the new year, give yourself some space to reflect on the new year, have gratitude for it, and set your intentions for 2108. I know some of you may have expectations of “doing” which is fine, but you may want to explore your internal world a little bit more. How do you hold yourself back?, What makes you fearful?
Setting plans for exploring qualities in yourself or being more accepting and compassionate will enable a bigger space internally that may even allow a “gentler you”. When we allow, we are less annoyed, irritated and less judgmental. I hope you love yourself just as you are in 2018.