6 Medical Issues that can affect your child’s Sleep

Helping parents and children have a good and deep night’s sleep is a passion. Most of the time, medical issues are not the sole cause of your child’s sleep issues. However, before practising gentle sleep hygiene, always seek help from your general practitioner or Pediatrician if:

  • Your child has growth or delayed developmental difficulties.
  • They can go off to sleep but frequently wake throughout the night, and it does not seem to be anxiety or difficulties in self-soothing
  • Show some symptoms of the following medical issues below. (There are other medical issues, but this blog will give some ideas)

References: Dr Craig Canapari MD, It’s never too late to sleep Train ( this is a great resource) and Qwen Dewar Parenting Science.

Medical Issues

1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea ( OSA)

OSA means the collapse of the upper airways, and the child has to wake up as they can’t breathe. It deprives your child of oxygen, affecting their sleep and cognitive capacity. If they suffer from OSA, your child may snore, gasp, and breathe through their mouth. Subsequently, their sleep may be restless. Please don’t panic, as many of us snore, but on the other hand, check it out with your GP or Pediatrician.

2. Asthma

5.4 million People in the UK are currently receiving treatment for asthma: 1.1 million children (1 in 11) and 4.3 million adults (1 in 12). (Asthma UK, 2017)

Allergy Uk

Your child may have Asthma if they:

  • Wake up frequently if they are woken up by coughing or wheezing.
  • Your child may have a cold that does not go away.
6 medical reasons that can affect your child sleep

3. Acid Reflux and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Many babies suffer from acid reflux; you may notice that they are irritable, throw up, and have belly pain. The discomfort will arouse them and cause awakenings. According to Gwen Dewar, Parenting Science :

Gastroesophageal reflux is classified as a disease (“gastroesophageal reflux disease” or “GERD”); when babies, it causes:

  • resistance to feeding
  • blood in the vomit or stool
  • iron-deficiency anaemia
  • irritability (due to an inflamed oesophagus), or
  • failure to thrive.

4. Food Allergy

Food allergies and sensitivities range from Cow’s milk, wheat, peanuts, sesame, etc. Cow’s milk allergy may cause baby sleep problems—-specifically, more arousal, shorter sleep cycles, and dramatic reductions in total sleep time (Kahn et al. 1988; Kahn et al. 1989, Gwen Dewar Parenting Science.

6 medical reason that can affect your child sleep

Many parents know that some food allergies are mild, runny noses or sneezing at night. However, some are life-threatening and serious, such as Anaphylaxis, and more information is available at: 
http://www.rcpch.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2011_RCPCH_Allergy_Anaphylaxis%20Leaflet%20v4.pdf and for more child-friendly, I like the Itchy, Sneezy Wheezy very child-friendly website that covers everything you need about allergies.

5. Eczema

This is a horrible medical condition for children. I’ve worked with many children and families. It affects their self-esteem and sense of themselves, and the scratching and itching keep them awake at night. You can access further help at the National Eczema Society and Allergy UK.

6. Restless leg Syndrome

This is a rare medical condition and, according to RLS-Uk, affects 10% of the population and is described as:

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, is a neurological disorder characterised by an irresistible urge to move to stop uncomfortable or odd sensations.  Like their adult counterparts, children with RLS tend to seek relief from their discomfort by moving their legs—often by fidgeting, stretching, walking, running, rocking or changing position in bed. Parents or healthcare providers may mistakenly also attribute the child’s discomfort to “growing pains.”

Reference: RLS-Uk

To clarify, your child may be restless and fidgety and inform you that they have pain in their legs.

In Conclusion. I hope this blog helps you reflect on whether you need help with sleep from someone like me or make an appointment to see your doctor. Do contact us if you would like to book a sleep consultation. With Love Catherine


Finally, let me reinforce that this blog is no substitute for medical care and assessment by your child’s doctor or Pediatrician. Do not hesitate to make an appointment if you have worries or concerns.

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