5 Strategies to help to teach your child Self-Control

What do we mean by self-control? In a nutshell, it tells how your child can regulate themselves.

Here are a few examples of self-control:

  • Your child can wait in a queue
  • They can tolerate their frustration
  • They can inhibit their impulses
  • They can plan

You may not know, but self-control depends mainly on your child’s developmental capacity. You might notice that your toddler has trouble with all of these things, and that can be frustrating for you. But big changes happen between the ages of 3 and 7. You can now breathe a sigh of relief if your child might be struggling and they are only 4. It’s important to note that every child’s brain develops at different rates, and sometimes our expectations of children are too high.

My clinic often has many children who have trouble controlling themselves. Research shows that these children can often be more aggressive and are more likely to get anxiety and depression.

How do we help our children develop these skills?

Here are five strategies

1. Help them take a break.

If we are given two tedious tasks, the outcome of the second task is poorer. So give them one job at a time and then let them have a break and then request another one.

2. Teach them self-talk

Teach your child about emotions and feelings and how they can manage them. If your child can control and manage the feelings themselves, they are more likely to remain in control.

Here are some examples:

  • Ok, I need to take it easy
  • I will try and stay cool
  • It’s okay if I’m not good at this
  • I can try again tomorrow
  • I am doing my best
  • I am not going to let him bug me.

3. Create an environment where self-control/regulation is rewarded.

When we receive praise for managing a situation, it feels terrific. Children need consistent feedback to learn appropriate behaviour. So if your child works on their feelings or steps back from a fight with their sibling, praise it straight away.

4. Be an Authoritative Parent

In her blog, Gwen Dewar from Parenting Science notes that a recent study of American preschoolers (Piotrowski et al., 2013) found that kids were more likely to exhibit poor self-control skills if they had parents who agreed with statements like

“I ignore my child’s bad behaviour,” 

“I give in to my child when he/she causes a commotion about something.”

Besides, she notes that if you are the other way and too strict, it has the same effect. So be balanced and consistent in your parenting.

5. Use Play and Games

If you know your child is struggling, rehearse situations by letting them play.

  • Let’s play standing in a line.
  • Let’s play getting dressed.
  • Let’s play shops

This is going to be much more fun for everyone. I hope it helps with Love, Catherine.

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