Finding your way through those hot and angry moments can feel like the moment will never end. We all need support; for many children, breathing or taking a deep breath might not be enough. Here are 15 alternatives:
1. Help your children to talk it out in those Angry Moments
Anger is a primary emotion, so everyone feels it. Always help your children to have an emotional language. You can take it further by calling anger a “hot state”. Similarly, you can determine the level of anger by drawing a thermometer on your wall. You can ask, how hot are you now? Please show me what I can do to help you to calm down.
2. Move it out
Some children are much more kinesthetic ( The most physical of all the learning styles, kinesthetic learners absorb information best through touch, movement, and motion.) They could:
3. Be a turtle ( or another animal) and calm in their shell
4. Stamp it out
5. Lean and push into a wall ( prevent your child from punching a wall, this is self-harm)
6. Use an exercise strength band, have a tug of war or just let them breathe and pull.
7. Make a self-soothe box
It is a box ( shoebox) that can include anything used to distract and soothe in times of stress. It originates from DBT ( Dialectical Behavior Therapy) and addresses managing and tolerating distress. You could find a simple shoebox and decorate it with your child. You can then brainstorm with them what helps them to feel calm. It’s good to think of objects that include the five senses; you can find out more here
8. Colour it out
We have known for many years that the creative arts can help to manage anxiety and help regulate emotions. A study was conducted by researchers Renee van der Vennet and Susan Serice. Although they used shapes to colour, such as Mandalas, they found that colouring did indeed help to reduce anxious feelings. You can discover more here:
9. Visualise a safe place
Anger can arrive very quickly. And children struggle to think about what to do in those moments. Consequently, sit down quietly and practice the safe place exercise. During the hot moment, see if you can guide them there. Click below for my meditation.
10. Rip a Tissue or bin bag
I remember doing this with a young person, and we laughed. Doing the unexpected and changing a moment.
11. Bite a carrot
Sometimes, we must get our teeth into something, especially if frustrated. A carrot can be an excellent vehicle for that very purpose.
12. Throw some clay/ Play-Doh
Clay is such an underrated art material. Hence, it’s great to move out feelings in those hot moments. In addition, you can make your play-doh and add some essential oils such as lavender or chamomile.
13. Make a Feelings Wheel
Many children don’t know how they feel sometimes. Visual cues are often much more helpful to children than just words. For that reason, make a feelings wheel. Try to include a variety of feelings, such as frustration, anger, disgust, rejection, joy, happiness, sadness, scared, mad, etc.
14. Identify a calm-down toy
Some children benefit from cuddling their teddy or another “lovey” tope toy.
15. Get outdoors and Exercise
Recent studies have exposed the benefit, even the necessity, of spending time outdoors for children and adults. Try to get out as much as possible; at the very least, a run in the garden may expel the “naughty monster”.
In conclusion, I hope this helps; unfortunately, we sometimes have to wait out the “angry moment” and remember everything passes…
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for your commitment to the well-being of your child and your family and for your willingness to keep learning and growing. Remember: parenting is hard work, and you all deserve support. Please share your gratitude and love by sharing and liking my Facebook Page, and contact me to hear about my workshops and consultations. With Love Catherine